Not Following The Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines May Delay Diagnosis And Lead To Lawsuit
The second largest number of cancer deaths is from colon cancer. Each year, roughly 48,000 men and women will pass away from colon cancer. Many of these fatalities could be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment through routine colon cancer testing before symtoms arise.
If the cancer is detected as a small polyp while undergoing a routine screening test, like a colonoscopy, the polyp might be able to be removed in the course of the colonoscopy. At this point, there is no need for the surgical removal of any segment of the colon. Once the polyp grows to the point where it becomes cancerous and gets to Stage I or Stage II, the tumor and a portion of the colon on each side is surgical taken out. The likelihood that the individual will survive the cancer is over 90% for Stage I and seventy three percent for Stage 2.
If the disease reaches Stage III, surgery is not enough. The patient will, furthermore, need to have chemotherapy. The relative 5-year survival rate falls to 53%, depending on such factors as the number of lymph nodes that show up positive for cancer.
As soon as the colon cancer metastasizes, treatment might call for the use of chemotherapy and perhaps other drugs as well as surgery on various organs. In case the measurement and quantity of tumors in other organs (for example, the liver and lungs) are small enough, surgery on these organs may be the primary treatment, then chemotherapy. Sometimes the dimensions or number of tumors in the other organs removes the possibility of surgery as part of the treatment.
If chemotherapy and other drugs are able to reduce the quantity and dimensions of these tumors, surgery might at that point turn out to be an option as the follow up treatment. Otherwise, chemotherapy and different drugs (possibly through clinical trials) might temporarily halt or reduce the continued progression of the cancer. With metastasis the person's likelihood of outliving the cancer for greater than 5 years following diagnosis falls to approximately 8%.
As the relative 5-year survival rates indicate, the time frame wherein the colon cancer is found and treated results in a significant difference. If discovered and treated early, the person has a high likelihood of surviving the disease. When diagnosis and treatment is delayed, the chances start turning from the person so that if the cancer reaches the lymph nodes, the percentage is nearly 50/50. And the likelihood declines precipitously once the cancer metastasizes.
But, too frequently physicians fail to advise standard cancer testing to men and women who do not have symptoms. By the time the cancer is ultimately found - sometimes due to the fact that the tumor has become so large that it is causing blockage, since the individual has inexplicable anemia that is getting progressively worse, or because the person begins to notice other indications - the cancer is a Stage 3 or even a Stage 4. The individual now faces a very different outlook than he or she would have if the cancer had been discovered early through standard screening.
Attorneys who handle cancer cases often classify this as a -loss of chance- of a better recovery. That is to say, since the doctor failed to recommend that the patient undergo routine screening test, the cancer is now much more advanced and the person has a much reduced chance of surviving the cancer. A physician might be liable for malpractice if he or she fails to propose cancer screening to a patient who later is discovered to have advanced colon cancer.
Contact a lawyer at once should you feel there was a delayed diagnosis of colon cancer because a doctor's failure to recommend routine colon cancer screening. This article is for general educational purposes only and is not intended to be legal (or medical) advice. For any health concerns your should contact a physician. Should you believe you may have a medical malpractice claim consult with a lawyer right away. A competent lawyer experienced in medical malpractice can help you determine whether you have a claim for a delayed diagnosis colon cancer from a failure on the part of a physician to recommend colon cancer screening. There is a time limit in cases like these so call a lawyer immediately.
You can learn more about cases involving colon cancer and other cancer matters including metastatic breast cancer by visiting the websites
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Using Natural
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Using Natural
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
Saturday, December 15, 2012
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer treatment using Natural Ki
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon and Stage 4 Cancers With Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy is undisputedly an innovative premier medical strategy that relies on the human immune system to conquer disease. Theoretically over the last 30 odd years, extensive research conducted by teams of physicians and scientists has proven that this venue is clinically successful for a wide range of diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have boosted this science to peak performance in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients Data to Support Alternative Caner Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Breakthrough Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Provides Important Options
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Latest In Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment That Matte Most
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells Natural killer T cells Cytokine-induced killer cells Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Leader in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9. 3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Chronic Fatigue syndrome Envita is one of the leading natural medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Envita treats a large range of conditions, and our mainly focused areas such as cancer, disease. For more Informations Please Visit Our Website.
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon and Stage 4 Cancers With Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy is undisputedly an innovative premier medical strategy that relies on the human immune system to conquer disease. Theoretically over the last 30 odd years, extensive research conducted by teams of physicians and scientists has proven that this venue is clinically successful for a wide range of diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have boosted this science to peak performance in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients Data to Support Alternative Caner Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Breakthrough Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Provides Important Options
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Latest In Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment That Matte Most
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells Natural killer T cells Cytokine-induced killer cells Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Leader in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9. 3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Chronic Fatigue syndrome Envita is one of the leading natural medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Envita treats a large range of conditions, and our mainly focused areas such as cancer, disease. For more Informations Please Visit Our Website.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Natural Therapy For Colon Cancer
There is a natural therapy for colon cancer without the massive side effects of chemotherapy, which is like declaring nuclear war on your body and this severely weakens your immune system. The other option the medical establishment offers is surgery, which is incredibly invasive and can often lead to needing to carry a colostomy bag for the rest of your life!
These are the options that most people go for, but there is a natural therapy for colon cancer that is very effective, simple, cost effective and without any harmful side effects.
It is important to understand what caused the cancer in the first place and realise that through your lifestyle choices it has manifested. It is empowering to know that you caused it, so then you can reverse the cancer naturally.
The main cause of cancer of the colon is over-toxicity mainly from the food and drink that we willingly put in our body, so the natural therapy for colon cancer is simply to change what we are putting into our bodies.
Meat has to be the first one to go. Humans are unable to digest meat like other animals can, and with our comparatively weak stomach acid and super long digestive system the meat can sit in our colon for days, weeks, months and even years, putrefying, fermenting and poisoning our body.
Dairy is the next thing that needs to go. Dairy coats the intestinal walls with a thick plaque that meat and other foods get caught up with and this also prevents nutrients from being absorbed through the intestinal wall.
We also want to cut out all processed foods & drinks and cooked fats and oils, which the body simply cannot digest. So you maybe wondering at this point "What is left?"
What's left is eery edible plant, fruit, nut, seed, grain and legume on Gods Green Earth. Essentially a plant based diet and until a full recovery is made from colon cancer, a 100% organic raw vegan diet may well be the fastest way to recover.
This is a natural therapy for colon cancer and it is also a very enjoyable lifestyle once you hit peak levels of health & vitality.
How we eat can be even more important that what we eat in some instances, so make sure that all food is liquified in the mouth through chewing before swallowing and all liquids are chewed so they mix with the digestive enzymes in the mouth. Essentially pre-digest all food before swallowing.
These are the options that most people go for, but there is a natural therapy for colon cancer that is very effective, simple, cost effective and without any harmful side effects.
It is important to understand what caused the cancer in the first place and realise that through your lifestyle choices it has manifested. It is empowering to know that you caused it, so then you can reverse the cancer naturally.
The main cause of cancer of the colon is over-toxicity mainly from the food and drink that we willingly put in our body, so the natural therapy for colon cancer is simply to change what we are putting into our bodies.
Meat has to be the first one to go. Humans are unable to digest meat like other animals can, and with our comparatively weak stomach acid and super long digestive system the meat can sit in our colon for days, weeks, months and even years, putrefying, fermenting and poisoning our body.
Dairy is the next thing that needs to go. Dairy coats the intestinal walls with a thick plaque that meat and other foods get caught up with and this also prevents nutrients from being absorbed through the intestinal wall.
We also want to cut out all processed foods & drinks and cooked fats and oils, which the body simply cannot digest. So you maybe wondering at this point "What is left?"
What's left is eery edible plant, fruit, nut, seed, grain and legume on Gods Green Earth. Essentially a plant based diet and until a full recovery is made from colon cancer, a 100% organic raw vegan diet may well be the fastest way to recover.
This is a natural therapy for colon cancer and it is also a very enjoyable lifestyle once you hit peak levels of health & vitality.
How we eat can be even more important that what we eat in some instances, so make sure that all food is liquified in the mouth through chewing before swallowing and all liquids are chewed so they mix with the digestive enzymes in the mouth. Essentially pre-digest all food before swallowing.
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