Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pathophysiology of colon cancer and colon disease

Summary: Colon Cancer Screening and Medical Malpractice

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of deaths resulting from cancer. Every year, approximately 48,000 people will die in the U.S. from colon cancer. Many of these deaths would be prevented with early detection and treatment through routine colon cancer screening.

Colon Cancer Progresses through Stages

The stage of the colon cancer determines the appropriate treatment and determines the patient's relative 5-year survival rate which is the percentage of colon cancer patients who live at least 5 years after being diagnosed. Colon cancer progresses in stages as follows:

Stage 0: The disease starts as a small non-cancerous growth, called a polyp, in the colon.

Stage 1: The cancer has started to work its way through the first layers of the colon - the mucosa and the sub mucosa.

Stage 3: The cancer has spread to one or more of the nearby lymph nodes.

Stage 4: The cancer has spread to other organs (typically the liver or the lungs).

Screening for Colon Cancer

In order to detect colon cancer early, everyone, even individuals who are not at high risk, that is, with no symptoms and with no family history of colon cancer, should be screened. Cancer specialists suggest that screening for such individuals start at age 50 and consist of tests that detect colon cancer in the body:

Stage of Colon Cancer Determines Treatments and Relative 5-Year Survival Rates

When the polyp becomes a tumor and reaches Stage 1 or Stage 2, the tumor and a portion of the colon on both sides is surgical removed. The relative 5-year survival rate is over 90% for Stage 1 and 73% for Stage 2.

If the disease advances to a Stage 3, a colon resection is no longer sufficient and the patient also needs to undergo chemotherapy. The relative 5-year survival rate drops to 53%, depending on such factors as the number of lymph nodes that contain cancer.

By the time the colon cancer reaches Stage 4, treatment may require the use of chemotherapy and other drugs and surgery on multiple organs. As the relative 5-year survival rates indicate, the time frame in which colon cancer is detected and treated makes a dramatic difference. If detected and treated early, the individual has an excellent chance of surviving the disease. As detection and treatment is delayed, the odds start turning against the individual so that by the time the colon cancer progresses to Stage 3, the percentage is almost even. And the odds drop precipitously when the colon cancer reaches Stage 4.

Failure to Screen for Colon Cancer May Constitute Medical Malpractice

Unfortunately, all too often doctors do not recommend routine colon cancer screening to their patients. The individual now faces a much different prognosis than if the cancer had been detected early through routine screening. The failure of a doctor to advise the individual about screening options for colon cancer may constitute medical malpractice.

You need to contact a lawyer immediately if you feel there was a delayed diagnosis of colon cancer due to a doctor's failure to recommend routine colon cancer screening.

Summary: Colon Disease - Important Information That You Should Know About

If you haven't realized that colon cancer is amongst the top forms of cancer, you'll want to read this important information about colon disease. The colon is divided into four parts, sigmoid colon, ascending colon, transverse colon, and descending colon.

The vital function of the colon is to eliminate the toxins and processed food substances from the body. This allows the body to remain healthy and free of any radical damages that can occur if these toxic substances are not eliminated.

One of the earliest signs of colon disease is the development of painful or difficult bowel movements. Did you know that increased pressure in the colon can cause development of outpunching of the internal lining of colon? These pockets are known as diverticula and are a great threat as they can cause severe bleeding problems and would need to be treated surgically.

Colon disease if left unchecked can progress to colon cancer, which means that a prompt action is required once an individual notes any abnormality in bowel movements. Family history is one big factor that makes it a must for the predisposed individuals to get regular colon screening tests. This will ensure that they are not developing any disease process that can lead to a serious colon condition.

All of the above mentioned information is based on basic facts that should be taken into consideration to prevent the development of any colon disease.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Introduction on Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a highly dangerous and extremely common form of cancer affecting millions of people around the world. It is the third most common form of cancer and although its rate of incidence is decreasing in the US, it still poses a huge risk. Americans have a 1 in 20 chance of acquiring colon cancer.

The risk of incidence starts to increase after the age of 40 and does so considerably after 65. Both men and women have similar probability of acquiring the disease but the after the age of 50, the risk increases for men.

Colon cancer occurs in rectum or the large intestine. It forms in the last 20-25 cm of the colon and since it usually affects both the anus and the rectum, it is referred to as Colorectal cancer. However, cancer in the anus is uncommon. If it does occur, it usually occurs in the outer part of the anus for men and the inner part for women.

Introduction on Colon Cancer Colon cancer can be caused by various products but most of these are related to dietary fat, particularly animal fat. The process of digestion which metabolizes this fat produces carcinogens (cancer causing agents), which irritate the lining of the intestine and thus lead to the formation of polyps (small outgrowth) which slowly develop into cancer.

There are several means of detecting colon cancer but it should be kept in mind that many colon cancers do not have any symptoms.

The symptoms include :

* Abdominal pain : If a person experiences unusual pain in the lower abdomen brought on without any specific reason, he should get it checked. * Blood in the stool : This is usually a very serious condition and may be caused by an injury or problems in the digestive tract as well. It is therefore necessary to report it to a physician. * Diarrhea : Irregular bowel patterns can also indicate a risk of Colon cancer. * Intestinal obstruction : Any obstruction which reduces or blocks the path of faeces is a significant symptom of colon cancer as well. * Weight loss : Unexplained weight loss can also be a symptom.

It should be noted that Colon cancer does not only display these symptoms and there may be other factors which may vary the symptoms. Related Info:

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