Not Following The Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines May Delay Diagnosis And Lead To Lawsuit
The second largest number of cancer deaths is from colon cancer. Each year, roughly 48,000 men and women will pass away from colon cancer. Many of these fatalities could be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment through routine colon cancer testing before symtoms arise.
If the cancer is detected as a small polyp while undergoing a routine screening test, like a colonoscopy, the polyp might be able to be removed in the course of the colonoscopy. At this point, there is no need for the surgical removal of any segment of the colon. Once the polyp grows to the point where it becomes cancerous and gets to Stage I or Stage II, the tumor and a portion of the colon on each side is surgical taken out. The likelihood that the individual will survive the cancer is over 90% for Stage I and seventy three percent for Stage 2.
If the disease reaches Stage III, surgery is not enough. The patient will, furthermore, need to have chemotherapy. The relative 5-year survival rate falls to 53%, depending on such factors as the number of lymph nodes that show up positive for cancer.
As soon as the colon cancer metastasizes, treatment might call for the use of chemotherapy and perhaps other drugs as well as surgery on various organs. In case the measurement and quantity of tumors in other organs (for example, the liver and lungs) are small enough, surgery on these organs may be the primary treatment, then chemotherapy. Sometimes the dimensions or number of tumors in the other organs removes the possibility of surgery as part of the treatment.
If chemotherapy and other drugs are able to reduce the quantity and dimensions of these tumors, surgery might at that point turn out to be an option as the follow up treatment. Otherwise, chemotherapy and different drugs (possibly through clinical trials) might temporarily halt or reduce the continued progression of the cancer. With metastasis the person's likelihood of outliving the cancer for greater than 5 years following diagnosis falls to approximately 8%.
As the relative 5-year survival rates indicate, the time frame wherein the colon cancer is found and treated results in a significant difference. If discovered and treated early, the person has a high likelihood of surviving the disease. When diagnosis and treatment is delayed, the chances start turning from the person so that if the cancer reaches the lymph nodes, the percentage is nearly 50/50. And the likelihood declines precipitously once the cancer metastasizes.
But, too frequently physicians fail to advise standard cancer testing to men and women who do not have symptoms. By the time the cancer is ultimately found - sometimes due to the fact that the tumor has become so large that it is causing blockage, since the individual has inexplicable anemia that is getting progressively worse, or because the person begins to notice other indications - the cancer is a Stage 3 or even a Stage 4. The individual now faces a very different outlook than he or she would have if the cancer had been discovered early through standard screening.
Attorneys who handle cancer cases often classify this as a -loss of chance- of a better recovery. That is to say, since the doctor failed to recommend that the patient undergo routine screening test, the cancer is now much more advanced and the person has a much reduced chance of surviving the cancer. A physician might be liable for malpractice if he or she fails to propose cancer screening to a patient who later is discovered to have advanced colon cancer.
Contact a lawyer at once should you feel there was a delayed diagnosis of colon cancer because a doctor's failure to recommend routine colon cancer screening. This article is for general educational purposes only and is not intended to be legal (or medical) advice. For any health concerns your should contact a physician. Should you believe you may have a medical malpractice claim consult with a lawyer right away. A competent lawyer experienced in medical malpractice can help you determine whether you have a claim for a delayed diagnosis colon cancer from a failure on the part of a physician to recommend colon cancer screening. There is a time limit in cases like these so call a lawyer immediately.
You can learn more about cases involving colon cancer and other cancer matters including metastatic breast cancer by visiting the websites
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Using Natural
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer An Alternative Cancer Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Using Natural
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon us latest Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
Immunotherapy is essentially an exciting new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. Basically over the last 30 years, extensive research conducted by both physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have taken this science to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Cancer Patients Important Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment.
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Making Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Progress
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Caner Treatment And Natural Cancer Treatment Needed
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Using Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Using the Latest in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells
Natural killer T cells
Cytokine-induced killer cells
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Providing Most Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.
3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment is absolutely necessary, and many are lacking it. At Envita, it is not an afterthought but in fact, our focus. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer, and we believe to be critical for long-term success. For more information visit our website
Saturday, December 15, 2012
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural
New Stage 4 Colon Cancer Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer treatment using Natural Ki
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon and Stage 4 Cancers With Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy is undisputedly an innovative premier medical strategy that relies on the human immune system to conquer disease. Theoretically over the last 30 odd years, extensive research conducted by teams of physicians and scientists has proven that this venue is clinically successful for a wide range of diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have boosted this science to peak performance in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients Data to Support Alternative Caner Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Breakthrough Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Provides Important Options
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Latest In Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment That Matte Most
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells Natural killer T cells Cytokine-induced killer cells Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Leader in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9. 3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Chronic Fatigue syndrome Envita is one of the leading natural medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Envita treats a large range of conditions, and our mainly focused areas such as cancer, disease. For more Informations Please Visit Our Website.
Immunotherapy: Powerful New Weapon Against Stage 4 Colon and Stage 4 Cancers With Advanced Natural Cancer Treatment and Alternative Cancer Treatment
Immunotherapy is undisputedly an innovative premier medical strategy that relies on the human immune system to conquer disease. Theoretically over the last 30 odd years, extensive research conducted by teams of physicians and scientists has proven that this venue is clinically successful for a wide range of diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have boosted this science to peak performance in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and even stage 4 cancer types.
As time goes by, we can expect to see the importance of immunotherapy grow, particularly in late stage colon cancer, where patients experience metastasis and targeting the cancer as it spreads becomes even more important. To date, stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation. The statistics are so grim that renowned care providers would not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
That being said, new immunotherapy treatments are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Stage 4 Colon Cancer: Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells - Typically Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients Data to Support Alternative Caner Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
Sadly, conventional medicine has virtually ignored this type of immunotherapy ... until now.
Astounding Progress in Treating Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Other Stage 4 Cancers with Proprietary Immunotherapy Breakthrough Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Recently, a bevy of researchers have touted the successful clinical use of natural killer cells (NKs) and natural killer T cells (NKTs) in treating patients with various malignancies.8,9 While NKs and NKTs are commonly found circulating in the body in minimal amounts, they possess the ability to identify and kill both tumor cells and virally infected cells, and are a major initial defense of our immune system. Without question, patients with colon cancer and stage 4 cancers are often found to be deficient in production of these powerful cells. Over the last 20 years, a number of studies have described NK dysfunction in colon cancer patients.10-12
Specifically, NKs from these patients show a lesser ability to destroy tumor cells in laboratory tests than NKs from healthy patients.10-12 NKs from later stage patients were dramatically more dysfunctional compared to early stage patients with no metastases.10,11 Further, NKs from patients with more advanced disease had an impaired response to interferon, a major growth factor for NK cells.10 T lymphocytes from such patients also do not respond well to stimulatory factors.12 The amount and function of NKT cells have also been under investigation in colon cancer patients.13 NKT numbers in these patients were significantly reduced compared to healthy controls and patients with other cancer types; further, NKTs in these patients were less responsive to short-term stimulation, yet were still capable of substantial expansion.13 Such research cumulatively suggests that colon cancer patients experience an immune suppression that worsens as disease progresses. However, cells with anti-tumor activity can indeed be expanded from these patients for worthy use in clinical immunotherapy regimens.
It is important to note that expansion of natural killer cells is not the same, in process or effect, as taking a product or providing an intravenous nutrient or substance to increase NK cells in the patient. Such methods are far inferior to the targeted, expansion method.
Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells are Depressed in Stage 4 Colon Cancer Patients the data is clear Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment Provides Important Options
In a study1 of 102 colorectal cancer patients undergoing resections; 18 of them had recurrences within two years of surgery. In all 18, there was significant evidence of "significantly lower preoperative NK cytotoxicity than disease-free patients." Low preoperative NK cytotoxicity was predictive of recurrence in this cohort of patients.1
And in another study2 with nearly 200 subjects, 49 of which suffered with colon cancer in addition to 149 healthy controls, it was observed that Natural Killer levels in colon cancer patients were significantly lower than those of the healthy control group.
Moreover, it has been shown3 that untreated patients with colon cancer have suppressed Natural Killer and Lymphokine-activated killer cells - particularly in late stage patients. These patients were also found to have compromised interferon-gamma producing activities.
NK cell activity serves as a strong prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. In a study4 with 140 colon cancer patients in curatively operated stage I-III diseases, preoperative NK cell activity of 20 percent or less correlated with poor survival. This lower NK activity was also associated with distant metastases, while attenuated NK cell activity was a significant parameter for predicting distant metastasis following curative surgery.
Further evidence5 suggests that pretreatment levels of NK cytotoxicity in patients are significantly related to overall survival, progression-free survival, and response rate. Moreover, it has also been observed that colon cancer patients who are 6 to 12 months after tumor resection, have shown a rise in spontaneous, antibody-induced, and PHA-induced cytotoxicity levels - significantly higher than those found in age-matched controls of healthy individuals.
This data begs the question why are NK cells and immune system considered vastly more important to conventional cancer treatment protocols? It was questions like this one that led Envita to develop a proprietary new treatment.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer- Targeted Immunotherapy Latest In Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical team assessed the best of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that incorporates only the best procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most prestigious hospitals and universities in the nation and around the world. However, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems. And the sooner this treatment method is administered to the patient, the quicker improvements are experienced throughout the whole of their treatment.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment That Matte Most
Envita Natural Medical Center in its Mexico office is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is called AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed below:
Natural killer cells Natural killer T cells Cytokine-induced killer cells Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is compiled by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to kill colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.
Enhancing the immune system is a major benefit to fighting colon cancer or other cancers, but this vaccine-driven immunotherapy routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply put, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. Depleting such negative factors is critical to a patient's success.
It is no secret that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells. These cells block your body's system ability to fight. The immune system is the first and last defense against cancer.
Naturally, by stepping in and acting to deplete these cells along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be expedited exponentially. Imagine your immune system being targeted and ready to go, yet something in your body suddenly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients are dealing with in regards to high regulatory T cells. Envita's immunotherapy treatment protocols build a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.
Case in point, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.
Unlike other available immunotherapy treatments, Envita's AAIT can be used as a stand-alone. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will act to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the published studies in the scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also expand them and keep them activated after they are infused back into the body. Making AAIT next important piece to colon cancer and stage 4 cancer therapy.
AAIT Immunology Available for Stage 4 Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico Leader in Alternative Cancer Treatment and Natural Cancer Treatment
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's therapy is titled AAIT, and increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a span of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to kill cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infused into the patient. Heralded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are dedicated to battling stage 4 colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
1. Tartter PI, Steinberg B, Barron DM, Martinelli G. The prognostic significance of natural killer cytotoxicity in patients with colorectal cancer. Arch Surg. 1987 Nov;122(11):1264-8.
2. Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9. 3. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
3. Matsunaga H, Kuwahara Y, Kusugami K, Morise K, Shimokata K. Natural killer, lymphokine-activated killer and interferon-gamma producing activities of peripheral blood- and regional lymph node-mononuclear cells in 23 cases of colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Jpn. 1988 Oct; 23(5):527-33.
4. Kondo E, Koda K, Takiguchi N, Oda K, Seike K, Ishizuka M, Miyazaki M. Preoperative natural killer cell activity as a prognostic factor for distant metastasis following surgery for colon cancer. Dig Surg. 2003;20(5):445-51. Epub 2003 Jul 31.
5. Liljefors M, Nilsson B, Hjelm Skog AL, Ragnhammar P, Mellstedt H, Frodin JE. Natural killer (NK) cell function is a strong prognostic factor in colorectal carcinoma patients treated with the monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Int J Cancer. 2003 Jul 10;105(5):717-23.
6. Waller CA, Gill PG, MacLennan IC. Enhancement of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity after tumor resection in patients with colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 Aug;65(2):223-30.
Chronic Fatigue syndrome Envita is one of the leading natural medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Envita treats a large range of conditions, and our mainly focused areas such as cancer, disease. For more Informations Please Visit Our Website.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Natural Therapy For Colon Cancer
There is a natural therapy for colon cancer without the massive side effects of chemotherapy, which is like declaring nuclear war on your body and this severely weakens your immune system. The other option the medical establishment offers is surgery, which is incredibly invasive and can often lead to needing to carry a colostomy bag for the rest of your life!
These are the options that most people go for, but there is a natural therapy for colon cancer that is very effective, simple, cost effective and without any harmful side effects.
It is important to understand what caused the cancer in the first place and realise that through your lifestyle choices it has manifested. It is empowering to know that you caused it, so then you can reverse the cancer naturally.
The main cause of cancer of the colon is over-toxicity mainly from the food and drink that we willingly put in our body, so the natural therapy for colon cancer is simply to change what we are putting into our bodies.
Meat has to be the first one to go. Humans are unable to digest meat like other animals can, and with our comparatively weak stomach acid and super long digestive system the meat can sit in our colon for days, weeks, months and even years, putrefying, fermenting and poisoning our body.
Dairy is the next thing that needs to go. Dairy coats the intestinal walls with a thick plaque that meat and other foods get caught up with and this also prevents nutrients from being absorbed through the intestinal wall.
We also want to cut out all processed foods & drinks and cooked fats and oils, which the body simply cannot digest. So you maybe wondering at this point "What is left?"
What's left is eery edible plant, fruit, nut, seed, grain and legume on Gods Green Earth. Essentially a plant based diet and until a full recovery is made from colon cancer, a 100% organic raw vegan diet may well be the fastest way to recover.
This is a natural therapy for colon cancer and it is also a very enjoyable lifestyle once you hit peak levels of health & vitality.
How we eat can be even more important that what we eat in some instances, so make sure that all food is liquified in the mouth through chewing before swallowing and all liquids are chewed so they mix with the digestive enzymes in the mouth. Essentially pre-digest all food before swallowing.
These are the options that most people go for, but there is a natural therapy for colon cancer that is very effective, simple, cost effective and without any harmful side effects.
It is important to understand what caused the cancer in the first place and realise that through your lifestyle choices it has manifested. It is empowering to know that you caused it, so then you can reverse the cancer naturally.
The main cause of cancer of the colon is over-toxicity mainly from the food and drink that we willingly put in our body, so the natural therapy for colon cancer is simply to change what we are putting into our bodies.
Meat has to be the first one to go. Humans are unable to digest meat like other animals can, and with our comparatively weak stomach acid and super long digestive system the meat can sit in our colon for days, weeks, months and even years, putrefying, fermenting and poisoning our body.
Dairy is the next thing that needs to go. Dairy coats the intestinal walls with a thick plaque that meat and other foods get caught up with and this also prevents nutrients from being absorbed through the intestinal wall.
We also want to cut out all processed foods & drinks and cooked fats and oils, which the body simply cannot digest. So you maybe wondering at this point "What is left?"
What's left is eery edible plant, fruit, nut, seed, grain and legume on Gods Green Earth. Essentially a plant based diet and until a full recovery is made from colon cancer, a 100% organic raw vegan diet may well be the fastest way to recover.
This is a natural therapy for colon cancer and it is also a very enjoyable lifestyle once you hit peak levels of health & vitality.
How we eat can be even more important that what we eat in some instances, so make sure that all food is liquified in the mouth through chewing before swallowing and all liquids are chewed so they mix with the digestive enzymes in the mouth. Essentially pre-digest all food before swallowing.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Making Life Decisions amidst the Prevalence of Colon Cancer
If you are someone who has experienced or is experiencing a disease for which there is no definite cure yet, like colon cancer, sometimes you have to make some of the toughest life choices that there are. You really have to rethink a lot of things and examine just how much your life has been changed by the blow that was just dealt to your by fate.
You may curse at whomever you want and blame all sorts of entities for your sickness and wish that someone else got the damned condition that you are now suffering, but the reality is you have to face up to what has now become your life and you may need to revalue a whole lot of things. Things like how you go about your daily activities and how it is necessary for you to make sure that you would have a longer life than the complication would initially give you.
What kinds of life choices do you need to make? Well, first of all you would need to highly consider your dietary intake. What you may have been able to eat freely before without restraint might need to change. According to a lot of studies, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are the way to go if you want to prevent the disease from coming or at least reduce the risk or maybe even help cure it if you already have the aforementioned sickness. Also, if you have hated exercise with a passion before, you may really need to think about doing some - or at least some form of physical activity to ensure that your body is in the best shape that it can be so that it can release natural antibodies that will help you fight off the problem in your body.
You may also have to let your vanity go, especially if you have qualms about losing your hair to chemotherapy or getting scars that may not really look well when you go to the beach if you undergo a surgical procedure to have the tumor ailing you removed. If you look good but you're going to die in the process then that is your choice and no one will begrudge you for it. It is, after all, your bed and you will have to lie in it yourself. However, if you want a shot at living and if it means that you have given up aesthetic beauty to do it, would you rather live without hair then die with your gorgeous curls - no one will bother to compliment on your hair when you are six feet under, anyway.
You see, it all comes down to what you want most in life. A thing like this radically changes a person's life. It turns all of their plans inside out and throws a really big monkey wrench in the whole thing. In the event that you do get it all out of your system, you might suddenly find yourself in the midst of a relapse of the disease, so watch out.
It can't be stressed enough that colon cleanse is a serious thing and you should really think about making better choices if you want to live through all of it. colonoscopy listen to the doctor's advice and you will be just fine.
You may curse at whomever you want and blame all sorts of entities for your sickness and wish that someone else got the damned condition that you are now suffering, but the reality is you have to face up to what has now become your life and you may need to revalue a whole lot of things. Things like how you go about your daily activities and how it is necessary for you to make sure that you would have a longer life than the complication would initially give you.
What kinds of life choices do you need to make? Well, first of all you would need to highly consider your dietary intake. What you may have been able to eat freely before without restraint might need to change. According to a lot of studies, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are the way to go if you want to prevent the disease from coming or at least reduce the risk or maybe even help cure it if you already have the aforementioned sickness. Also, if you have hated exercise with a passion before, you may really need to think about doing some - or at least some form of physical activity to ensure that your body is in the best shape that it can be so that it can release natural antibodies that will help you fight off the problem in your body.
You may also have to let your vanity go, especially if you have qualms about losing your hair to chemotherapy or getting scars that may not really look well when you go to the beach if you undergo a surgical procedure to have the tumor ailing you removed. If you look good but you're going to die in the process then that is your choice and no one will begrudge you for it. It is, after all, your bed and you will have to lie in it yourself. However, if you want a shot at living and if it means that you have given up aesthetic beauty to do it, would you rather live without hair then die with your gorgeous curls - no one will bother to compliment on your hair when you are six feet under, anyway.
You see, it all comes down to what you want most in life. A thing like this radically changes a person's life. It turns all of their plans inside out and throws a really big monkey wrench in the whole thing. In the event that you do get it all out of your system, you might suddenly find yourself in the midst of a relapse of the disease, so watch out.
It can't be stressed enough that colon cleanse is a serious thing and you should really think about making better choices if you want to live through all of it. colonoscopy listen to the doctor's advice and you will be just fine.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Initial Symptoms of Colon Cancer
Fatigue is described for the physical feeling of maximum tiredness or weakness. It will mean other medical conditions but if it is persistent, it will now mean cancer. It is among the signs these days stage cancer of any type.
However, in colon cancer, fatigue can also be an early symptom. After all, this is your only
How does this happen? Fatigue is brought on by occult bleeding inside your colon or rectum. Occult bleeding is invisible -- something you cannot see. Fatigue can be an indication that is first noticed by you and nobody else. Thus, fatigue is a vital symptom. See your doctor if you are feeling very, very tired for upwards of a week even after going on a vacation.
Persistent Diarrhea
Persistent Constipation
Both are unusual changes on your bowel habits. Why are they considered as unusual changes?
Here's why...As an example you move your bowel once each day regularly everyday. But now you progress it either 2 to 3 times daily or 2 to three times in a week. It is usually abnormal particularly if diarrhea or constipation happens persistently.
What does persistent diarrhea or constipation mean? Persistent constipation alone means there could possibly be a tumor at your rectum which is found next on your anus. A rectal tumor will cause an obstruction against the stool. You're going to experience difficulty in moving your bowel. Persistent diarrhea and constipation that occur alternately mean a tumor #at the# left colon which is the descending section.
Why is this so? The left section of the colon carries a narrower circumference in comparison to the best section. The stool is semi-solid along with the tumor if situated towards left section typically wraps within a colon. This makes diarrhea and constipation.
They are just 3 on the signs you ought to be aware of. There are other important colon cancer warning signs -- for example the colour of your stool -- you should know about.
Colon cancer may be the disease that progresses slowly and is highly unnoticeable. However, early diagnosis and medication for such a cancer is extremely important. Having understanding of the symptoms of colon cancer is also a great way and avoid the fatality of an disease through earlier treatment.
Is'nt easy to uncover if one has colon cancer. This is why doctors advice people over 50 years old to undergo colonoscopy. Albeit the outcomes show negative signs for cancer, recurrent examinations every after ten years is also recommended. But if the findings yield a prospect for cancer - despite the fact that the possibility is little - the patient should experience colonoscopy every two years.
An early symptom of colon cancer that is often overlooked is excess gas. If you feel bloated and your stomach literally hardens after eating, then this may be a sign of an tumor growing within your system and blocking the path on the waste materials to your body. You can even suffer constipation as a result of blockage and this tends to eventually lead to constant stomach or abdominal pains. Diarrhea and dehydration also can occur as a result of changes in bowel habits. If your bowel habits remain abnormal for a lot more than two weeks, then this will already be a sign of colon cancer. These pains are generally in the middle of swelling.
For more detail about colon cancer symptoms, read here for free!!! There are a lot of information about health tips and problem you can read.
However, in colon cancer, fatigue can also be an early symptom. After all, this is your only
How does this happen? Fatigue is brought on by occult bleeding inside your colon or rectum. Occult bleeding is invisible -- something you cannot see. Fatigue can be an indication that is first noticed by you and nobody else. Thus, fatigue is a vital symptom. See your doctor if you are feeling very, very tired for upwards of a week even after going on a vacation.
Persistent Diarrhea
Persistent Constipation
Both are unusual changes on your bowel habits. Why are they considered as unusual changes?
Here's why...As an example you move your bowel once each day regularly everyday. But now you progress it either 2 to 3 times daily or 2 to three times in a week. It is usually abnormal particularly if diarrhea or constipation happens persistently.
What does persistent diarrhea or constipation mean? Persistent constipation alone means there could possibly be a tumor at your rectum which is found next on your anus. A rectal tumor will cause an obstruction against the stool. You're going to experience difficulty in moving your bowel. Persistent diarrhea and constipation that occur alternately mean a tumor #at the# left colon which is the descending section.
Why is this so? The left section of the colon carries a narrower circumference in comparison to the best section. The stool is semi-solid along with the tumor if situated towards left section typically wraps within a colon. This makes diarrhea and constipation.
They are just 3 on the signs you ought to be aware of. There are other important colon cancer warning signs -- for example the colour of your stool -- you should know about.
Colon cancer may be the disease that progresses slowly and is highly unnoticeable. However, early diagnosis and medication for such a cancer is extremely important. Having understanding of the symptoms of colon cancer is also a great way and avoid the fatality of an disease through earlier treatment.
Is'nt easy to uncover if one has colon cancer. This is why doctors advice people over 50 years old to undergo colonoscopy. Albeit the outcomes show negative signs for cancer, recurrent examinations every after ten years is also recommended. But if the findings yield a prospect for cancer - despite the fact that the possibility is little - the patient should experience colonoscopy every two years.
An early symptom of colon cancer that is often overlooked is excess gas. If you feel bloated and your stomach literally hardens after eating, then this may be a sign of an tumor growing within your system and blocking the path on the waste materials to your body. You can even suffer constipation as a result of blockage and this tends to eventually lead to constant stomach or abdominal pains. Diarrhea and dehydration also can occur as a result of changes in bowel habits. If your bowel habits remain abnormal for a lot more than two weeks, then this will already be a sign of colon cancer. These pains are generally in the middle of swelling.
For more detail about colon cancer symptoms, read here for free!!! There are a lot of information about health tips and problem you can read.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Immunology Strengthens Fight Against Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation and the statistics are so grim - renowned care providers do not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
New immunotherapy treatments, however, are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Multitudes of published findings have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's dedicated medical team assessed the most reliable of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their precise research established a protocol that incorporates only the top notch procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most current published research in the arena, from a bevy of the most prestigious hospitals and universities on a national scale and worldwide. Predictably, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy
Envita Natural Medical Center located in Mexico is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as Immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is registered as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the huge majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are noted below:
=> Natural killer cells => Natural killer T cells => Cytokine-induced killer cells => Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is created by increasing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into mega amounts. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and cited for their ability to obliterate colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells under laboratory conditions, then re-infused into the patient.
AAIT Immunology Available for Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently implementing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's proprietary Stage 4 colon cancer vaccine is known as AAIT - one that increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a course of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to incapacitate stage 4 colon cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infuse into the patient. Lauded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are earnestly devoted to battling colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
At Envita, immunotherapy is not an afterthought - rather it is given prime focus and consideration. We believe a strong immune system to be wholly critical for rapid healing and long-term success. That is why Envita continues to lead the pack, offering our patients the best immunotherapy treatment options in the world.">Immunotherapy is without question a renowned new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. In summation, over a string of 30 years, extensive research conducted by both clusters of physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have rocketed this scientific arena to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and astoundingly even stage 4 cancer types.
We can expect, taking into consideration the undeniable results and continued advances, the importance of immunotherapy to grow exponentially - particularly as it applies to late stage colon and other stage 4 cancers. To date, Stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation and the statistics are so grim - renowned care providers do not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
New immunotherapy treatments, however, are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Multitudes of published findings have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's dedicated medical team assessed the most reliable of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their precise research established a protocol that incorporates only the top notch procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most current published research in the arena, from a bevy of the most prestigious hospitals and universities on a national scale and worldwide. Predictably, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy
Envita Natural Medical Center located in Mexico is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as Immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is registered as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the huge majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are noted below:
=> Natural killer cells => Natural killer T cells => Cytokine-induced killer cells => Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is created by increasing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into mega amounts. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and cited for their ability to obliterate colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells under laboratory conditions, then re-infused into the patient.
AAIT Immunology Available for Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently implementing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's proprietary Stage 4 colon cancer vaccine is known as AAIT - one that increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a course of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to incapacitate stage 4 colon cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infuse into the patient. Lauded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are earnestly devoted to battling colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
At Envita, immunotherapy is not an afterthought - rather it is given prime focus and consideration. We believe a strong immune system to be wholly critical for rapid healing and long-term success. That is why Envita continues to lead the pack, offering our patients the best immunotherapy treatment options in the world.
New immunotherapy treatments, however, are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Multitudes of published findings have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's dedicated medical team assessed the most reliable of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their precise research established a protocol that incorporates only the top notch procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most current published research in the arena, from a bevy of the most prestigious hospitals and universities on a national scale and worldwide. Predictably, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy
Envita Natural Medical Center located in Mexico is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as Immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is registered as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the huge majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are noted below:
=> Natural killer cells => Natural killer T cells => Cytokine-induced killer cells => Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is created by increasing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into mega amounts. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and cited for their ability to obliterate colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells under laboratory conditions, then re-infused into the patient.
AAIT Immunology Available for Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently implementing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's proprietary Stage 4 colon cancer vaccine is known as AAIT - one that increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a course of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to incapacitate stage 4 colon cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infuse into the patient. Lauded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are earnestly devoted to battling colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
At Envita, immunotherapy is not an afterthought - rather it is given prime focus and consideration. We believe a strong immune system to be wholly critical for rapid healing and long-term success. That is why Envita continues to lead the pack, offering our patients the best immunotherapy treatment options in the world.">Immunotherapy is without question a renowned new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. In summation, over a string of 30 years, extensive research conducted by both clusters of physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have rocketed this scientific arena to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and astoundingly even stage 4 cancer types.
We can expect, taking into consideration the undeniable results and continued advances, the importance of immunotherapy to grow exponentially - particularly as it applies to late stage colon and other stage 4 cancers. To date, Stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation and the statistics are so grim - renowned care providers do not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.
New immunotherapy treatments, however, are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.
Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer
Multitudes of published findings have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's dedicated medical team assessed the most reliable of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their precise research established a protocol that incorporates only the top notch procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most current published research in the arena, from a bevy of the most prestigious hospitals and universities on a national scale and worldwide. Predictably, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems.
Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy
Envita Natural Medical Center located in Mexico is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as Immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is registered as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the huge majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are noted below:
=> Natural killer cells => Natural killer T cells => Cytokine-induced killer cells => Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
The vaccine(s) is created by increasing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into mega amounts. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and cited for their ability to obliterate colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells under laboratory conditions, then re-infused into the patient.
AAIT Immunology Available for Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico
Envita Natural Medical Center is currently implementing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's proprietary Stage 4 colon cancer vaccine is known as AAIT - one that increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a course of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to incapacitate stage 4 colon cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infuse into the patient. Lauded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are earnestly devoted to battling colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.
At Envita, immunotherapy is not an afterthought - rather it is given prime focus and consideration. We believe a strong immune system to be wholly critical for rapid healing and long-term success. That is why Envita continues to lead the pack, offering our patients the best immunotherapy treatment options in the world.
Monday, November 5, 2012
How You Can Help Prevent Colon Cancer
Comprehensive Cancer Consultation
A Comprehensive Cancer Consultation is the beginning point of your Integrative Medicine Plan of Care. The Comprehensive Cancer Consultation allows us to develop a dynamic and flexible picture of the status of your health. This includes a description in Integrative Medicine terms of the causes and effects of cancer and why and how the mind and body have adapted to the stresses of having cancer.
When cancer is present it changes the physical, biochemical, mental and energetic balance of the person. These changes include how the mind and body react, and how the nutritional and energetic systems shift to cope with the increased stress of cancer. These changes are unique to every person - no two people are ever the same, even when they have the same "diagnosis".
We have to carefully identify and be sensitive to these changes. Each treatment plan is highly individualized. The conventional approach of "fighting" cancer without really understanding and treating the whole person can be pretty much a futile effort.
The information gathered during a Comprehensive Cancer Consultation leads to your personal "Health Profile". The Health Profile then serves as our primary guide in developing your treatment plan. It tells us where to begin and which treatments, medications and other therapies are likely to be of the greatest benefit at each step along the way.
Keeping up with your changing needs is an important part of your Health Profile. As your mind and body gradually begin to shift from "cancer mode" to "healing mode", the need for particular medications and therapies also shifts and changes. Through frequent updating of your Health Profile we can keep up with these changing needs when and as they occur. The selection of medications is often very different from what one might expect. This is because everyone's needs are unique to them. Selection of medications is based on your own documented test results and takes into account the whole person. Choice of medications is not limited to "evidence based medicine" according to the name of the diagnosis.
A Comprehensive Cancer Consultation takes approximately 2 hours. At the conclusion of your consultation you will be given a printed copy of a recommended Integrative Medicine Program of Care based on your particular situation and needs. Most care plans begin with 6 weeks of intensive care, usually with daily treatments in the office 4 or 5 days a week. Your Health Profile is then reviewed and further recommendations are made as indicated.
A Patient Care Advisor (PCA) will be assigned to you when you make your first appointment. Your PCA will be your main contact throughout your care with us. You will have an opportunity to review your Integrative Medicine Program of Care with your Patient Care Advisor.
Your PCA will review your treatment scheduling, arrange for any medical testing that may need to be done, and review the finances of the treatment program with you.
Preparing for your Comprehensive Cancer Consultation
You should:
1. Contact the office to schedule your initial appointment. A Patient Care Advisor will be assigned to you at that time.
2. Your PCA will help collect and forward medical records to us for the doctor's review before your appointment. Bringing medical records with you also works but it may not be as efficient as getting them to us before your appointment.
3. The nature of Integrative Medicine and how we look at and understand cancer is quite different than the conventional. You are welcome to bring someone with you whose insight and opinions you trust to serve as a second set of ears. We often call this person your "Advocate".
4. Be well hydrated.
5. Avoid chewing gum or candies.
6. Remove magnetic items such as wrist bands or necklaces.
7. Jewelry items that are not magnetic do not need to be removed.
8. Remove cell phones and other electronic devices from your person.
9. Avoid using perfumes, colognes and body oils before your consultation.
10. Wash your hands and arms to the elbows just before starting your consultation. 11. You are welcome to bring a tape or electronic recorder for your consultation.
Medicine of HOPE, PC
Integrative Medical Oncology Charles Schwengel, DO, MD(H) 4550 E. Bell Rd, Suite 284 Phoenix, AZ 85032 480.668.1448 or toll-free 1.877.668.1448
A Comprehensive Cancer Consultation is the beginning point of your Integrative Medicine Plan of Care. The Comprehensive Cancer Consultation allows us to develop a dynamic and flexible picture of the status of your health. This includes a description in Integrative Medicine terms of the causes and effects of cancer and why and how the mind and body have adapted to the stresses of having cancer.
When cancer is present it changes the physical, biochemical, mental and energetic balance of the person. These changes include how the mind and body react, and how the nutritional and energetic systems shift to cope with the increased stress of cancer. These changes are unique to every person - no two people are ever the same, even when they have the same "diagnosis".
We have to carefully identify and be sensitive to these changes. Each treatment plan is highly individualized. The conventional approach of "fighting" cancer without really understanding and treating the whole person can be pretty much a futile effort.
The information gathered during a Comprehensive Cancer Consultation leads to your personal "Health Profile". The Health Profile then serves as our primary guide in developing your treatment plan. It tells us where to begin and which treatments, medications and other therapies are likely to be of the greatest benefit at each step along the way.
Keeping up with your changing needs is an important part of your Health Profile. As your mind and body gradually begin to shift from "cancer mode" to "healing mode", the need for particular medications and therapies also shifts and changes. Through frequent updating of your Health Profile we can keep up with these changing needs when and as they occur. The selection of medications is often very different from what one might expect. This is because everyone's needs are unique to them. Selection of medications is based on your own documented test results and takes into account the whole person. Choice of medications is not limited to "evidence based medicine" according to the name of the diagnosis.
A Comprehensive Cancer Consultation takes approximately 2 hours. At the conclusion of your consultation you will be given a printed copy of a recommended Integrative Medicine Program of Care based on your particular situation and needs. Most care plans begin with 6 weeks of intensive care, usually with daily treatments in the office 4 or 5 days a week. Your Health Profile is then reviewed and further recommendations are made as indicated.
A Patient Care Advisor (PCA) will be assigned to you when you make your first appointment. Your PCA will be your main contact throughout your care with us. You will have an opportunity to review your Integrative Medicine Program of Care with your Patient Care Advisor.
Your PCA will review your treatment scheduling, arrange for any medical testing that may need to be done, and review the finances of the treatment program with you.
Preparing for your Comprehensive Cancer Consultation
You should:
1. Contact the office to schedule your initial appointment. A Patient Care Advisor will be assigned to you at that time.
2. Your PCA will help collect and forward medical records to us for the doctor's review before your appointment. Bringing medical records with you also works but it may not be as efficient as getting them to us before your appointment.
3. The nature of Integrative Medicine and how we look at and understand cancer is quite different than the conventional. You are welcome to bring someone with you whose insight and opinions you trust to serve as a second set of ears. We often call this person your "Advocate".
4. Be well hydrated.
5. Avoid chewing gum or candies.
6. Remove magnetic items such as wrist bands or necklaces.
7. Jewelry items that are not magnetic do not need to be removed.
8. Remove cell phones and other electronic devices from your person.
9. Avoid using perfumes, colognes and body oils before your consultation.
10. Wash your hands and arms to the elbows just before starting your consultation. 11. You are welcome to bring a tape or electronic recorder for your consultation.
Medicine of HOPE, PC
Integrative Medical Oncology Charles Schwengel, DO, MD(H) 4550 E. Bell Rd, Suite 284 Phoenix, AZ 85032 480.668.1448 or toll-free 1.877.668.1448
Sunday, October 28, 2012
How to Protect Yourself From Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is a very rare occurrence in those people whose main diet is vegetables. Those who are always including large amounts of meat in their diet are at higher risk than the former.
Colon cancer prevention therefore calls for a lot of whole grain, fruits and vegetables in one's diet. 5 servings daily is what the American Cancer Society puts as the ideal quantity of these healthy foods.
It can however be very difficult to pin point which diet components one must focus on to prevent such diseases. Consumption of fats for instance will increase your body's bile production which will improve your cells rapid growth.
Fiber rich foods are always recommended when one needs to improve their bowel movement. These foods will also have the benefit of decreasing the negative effects that hail from carcinogens and bile acids.
Oat bran is one of the most highly recommended dietary components for preventing colon cancer as it is very rich in fiber content. It has even more fiber than fruits and vegetables.
25 grams of dietary fiber every single day is recommended for reducing the risk of contracting colon cancer. These 25 grams can be taken from your bread, beans and cereals.
Bile acids and fatty acids can be dissolved by consumption of calcium. A recommended amount of calcium is 1000 milligrams daily. For your antioxidants that also prevent risk of colon cancer, you will get them from vegetables and fruits as well.
Exercise always improves the body in one way or the other. 30 minutes of physical activities daily will make sure that you improve the movement of waste through and out of your body. You will also have a healthy flow of blood to your colon.
To remove harmful toxins that may be trapped in your body, you will have to get cleansing every now and then. A clean colon will find it easier to absorb nutrients from the food we eat.
Make sure you have a clean colon and maintain its function and you will always have a healthy body.
Colon cancer prevention therefore calls for a lot of whole grain, fruits and vegetables in one's diet. 5 servings daily is what the American Cancer Society puts as the ideal quantity of these healthy foods.
It can however be very difficult to pin point which diet components one must focus on to prevent such diseases. Consumption of fats for instance will increase your body's bile production which will improve your cells rapid growth.
Fiber rich foods are always recommended when one needs to improve their bowel movement. These foods will also have the benefit of decreasing the negative effects that hail from carcinogens and bile acids.
Oat bran is one of the most highly recommended dietary components for preventing colon cancer as it is very rich in fiber content. It has even more fiber than fruits and vegetables.
25 grams of dietary fiber every single day is recommended for reducing the risk of contracting colon cancer. These 25 grams can be taken from your bread, beans and cereals.
Bile acids and fatty acids can be dissolved by consumption of calcium. A recommended amount of calcium is 1000 milligrams daily. For your antioxidants that also prevent risk of colon cancer, you will get them from vegetables and fruits as well.
Exercise always improves the body in one way or the other. 30 minutes of physical activities daily will make sure that you improve the movement of waste through and out of your body. You will also have a healthy flow of blood to your colon.
To remove harmful toxins that may be trapped in your body, you will have to get cleansing every now and then. A clean colon will find it easier to absorb nutrients from the food we eat.
Make sure you have a clean colon and maintain its function and you will always have a healthy body.
Friday, October 19, 2012
How to Prevent Colon Cancer Naturally
Cancer in any form is dreadful. Not only because the word itself terrorizes our mind, the visuals we recall are too scary. Once it sets in, it is very difficult to get rid of it in totality and one has to surrender to whatever treatment methods are available. Injuries to nearby organs, side-effects, trauma for the body and mind as a whole plus social stigma are some realities that stay with the victim for the rest of his/her life.
I can suggest three mantras: One, prevention is better than cure. Two, either you change your lifestyle, or make some necessary additions to counter the cancer threat. Three, try alternative medicines or therapies.
If you belong to the western world, (as per Wikipedia) chances are that you are more susceptible of catching this type of cancer. But you cannot move to the other part of the world for only this reason. Moreover, how would you know for sure that you could be a victim? Only for this reason I mentioned that either you change your lifestyle or...
Definitely not. We are all part of a society and have our stated norms of behavior, work culture, food (solids & liquids) consumption pattern, ways of recreation are all set. To some extent we can change our habits like avoiding late nights, getting full sleep, exercising etc. But today's expenses need extra work both physically and mentally. Somewhere we have to compromise which we cannot compensate with something beneficial.
A fully nourishing lunch induces sleep so some people either don't have proper lunch, or combine it with coffee and both are harmful. Work pressure forces to go either for smoking, extra cups of coffee, or for over the counter pills as they are easily accessible. Even these have harmful after-effects.
Remember Edison, who invented the Electric Bulb? He slept for just four hours and always got up refreshed. Develop a habit of sleeping less. Easier said than done, may be your answer. To counter I present two incidents.
1. I was working on a project and could not sleep for 3 days. The fourth evening, somehow I had to accompany my boss to an overnight musical concert. When we departed, I was totally refreshed and went back to office.
2. Many of my hostel friends developed the habit of sleeping at three in the morning to get up by seven. The same pattern holds good twenty years after passing out.
It is all in the mind. You can train it the way you want. Think about the soldiers at war zone or the police personnel who hardly get time to sleep. When these people can manage why can't you? Try meditation, even a 30-minute trance is enough to compensate for a full night's sleep.
The most common cause for rectal/colon/anus cancer is constipation. Piles is the first reaction. Eat veggies or fruits that have roughage e.g. Carrot, Radish, Lettuce. Those veggies that do not dissolve in full. Eat fruits whole, as the skin acts as roughage. If not allergic to Banana, it acts as a good bowel cleaner.
Drink plenty of plain water (not disguised as beer or canned juices). Avoid the lift when possible.
Get the wonder product "Isabgol" which is neither a fruit nor vegetable nor a medicine. It is the husk of the Psyllium plant seed. This husk absorbs water, becomes slippery and aids bowel to discharge without pressure. You can consume this either with water, curd, fruit juice or sprinkle liberal amounts in any dish as it is tasteless.
No system of medicine is foolproof. Doctors do not admit the fallacies. For example, Homoeopathy has no medicine for high blood pressure but works wonders for skin diseases. Colitis, skin ulcers, burns & wounds are treated in no time. It has no side-effects as well. Ready made mixtures are available over the counter for hundreds of diseases that you can try.
As always, there are no shortcuts to success. Trial and error should be your mantra. Find out what suits your body, your taste and let your mind guide you. After all if you catch the dreaded disease, your mind suffers the most.
I can suggest three mantras: One, prevention is better than cure. Two, either you change your lifestyle, or make some necessary additions to counter the cancer threat. Three, try alternative medicines or therapies.
If you belong to the western world, (as per Wikipedia) chances are that you are more susceptible of catching this type of cancer. But you cannot move to the other part of the world for only this reason. Moreover, how would you know for sure that you could be a victim? Only for this reason I mentioned that either you change your lifestyle or...
Definitely not. We are all part of a society and have our stated norms of behavior, work culture, food (solids & liquids) consumption pattern, ways of recreation are all set. To some extent we can change our habits like avoiding late nights, getting full sleep, exercising etc. But today's expenses need extra work both physically and mentally. Somewhere we have to compromise which we cannot compensate with something beneficial.
A fully nourishing lunch induces sleep so some people either don't have proper lunch, or combine it with coffee and both are harmful. Work pressure forces to go either for smoking, extra cups of coffee, or for over the counter pills as they are easily accessible. Even these have harmful after-effects.
Remember Edison, who invented the Electric Bulb? He slept for just four hours and always got up refreshed. Develop a habit of sleeping less. Easier said than done, may be your answer. To counter I present two incidents.
1. I was working on a project and could not sleep for 3 days. The fourth evening, somehow I had to accompany my boss to an overnight musical concert. When we departed, I was totally refreshed and went back to office.
2. Many of my hostel friends developed the habit of sleeping at three in the morning to get up by seven. The same pattern holds good twenty years after passing out.
It is all in the mind. You can train it the way you want. Think about the soldiers at war zone or the police personnel who hardly get time to sleep. When these people can manage why can't you? Try meditation, even a 30-minute trance is enough to compensate for a full night's sleep.
The most common cause for rectal/colon/anus cancer is constipation. Piles is the first reaction. Eat veggies or fruits that have roughage e.g. Carrot, Radish, Lettuce. Those veggies that do not dissolve in full. Eat fruits whole, as the skin acts as roughage. If not allergic to Banana, it acts as a good bowel cleaner.
Drink plenty of plain water (not disguised as beer or canned juices). Avoid the lift when possible.
Get the wonder product "Isabgol" which is neither a fruit nor vegetable nor a medicine. It is the husk of the Psyllium plant seed. This husk absorbs water, becomes slippery and aids bowel to discharge without pressure. You can consume this either with water, curd, fruit juice or sprinkle liberal amounts in any dish as it is tasteless.
No system of medicine is foolproof. Doctors do not admit the fallacies. For example, Homoeopathy has no medicine for high blood pressure but works wonders for skin diseases. Colitis, skin ulcers, burns & wounds are treated in no time. It has no side-effects as well. Ready made mixtures are available over the counter for hundreds of diseases that you can try.
As always, there are no shortcuts to success. Trial and error should be your mantra. Find out what suits your body, your taste and let your mind guide you. After all if you catch the dreaded disease, your mind suffers the most.
How to Prevent Colon Cancer Naturally
Cancer in any form is dreadful. Not only because the word itself terrorizes our mind, the visuals we recall are too scary. Once it sets in, it is very difficult to get rid of it in totality and one has to surrender to whatever treatment methods are available. Injuries to nearby organs, side-effects, trauma for the body and mind as a whole plus social stigma are some realities that stay with the victim for the rest of his/her life.
I can suggest three mantras: One, prevention is better than cure. Two, either you change your lifestyle, or make some necessary additions to counter the cancer threat. Three, try alternative medicines or therapies.
If you belong to the western world, (as per Wikipedia) chances are that you are more susceptible of catching this type of cancer. But you cannot move to the other part of the world for only this reason. Moreover, how would you know for sure that you could be a victim? Only for this reason I mentioned that either you change your lifestyle or...
Definitely not. We are all part of a society and have our stated norms of behavior, work culture, food (solids & liquids) consumption pattern, ways of recreation are all set. To some extent we can change our habits like avoiding late nights, getting full sleep, exercising etc. But today's expenses need extra work both physically and mentally. Somewhere we have to compromise which we cannot compensate with something beneficial.
A fully nourishing lunch induces sleep so some people either don't have proper lunch, or combine it with coffee and both are harmful. Work pressure forces to go either for smoking, extra cups of coffee, or for over the counter pills as they are easily accessible. Even these have harmful after-effects.
Remember Edison, who invented the Electric Bulb? He slept for just four hours and always got up refreshed. Develop a habit of sleeping less. Easier said than done, may be your answer. To counter I present two incidents.
1. I was working on a project and could not sleep for 3 days. The fourth evening, somehow I had to accompany my boss to an overnight musical concert. When we departed, I was totally refreshed and went back to office.
2. Many of my hostel friends developed the habit of sleeping at three in the morning to get up by seven. The same pattern holds good twenty years after passing out.
It is all in the mind. You can train it the way you want. Think about the soldiers at war zone or the police personnel who hardly get time to sleep. When these people can manage why can't you? Try meditation, even a 30-minute trance is enough to compensate for a full night's sleep.
The most common cause for rectal/colon/anus cancer is constipation. Piles is the first reaction. Eat veggies or fruits that have roughage e.g. Carrot, Radish, Lettuce. Those veggies that do not dissolve in full. Eat fruits whole, as the skin acts as roughage. If not allergic to Banana, it acts as a good bowel cleaner.
Drink plenty of plain water (not disguised as beer or canned juices). Avoid the lift when possible.
Get the wonder product "Isabgol" which is neither a fruit nor vegetable nor a medicine. It is the husk of the Psyllium plant seed. This husk absorbs water, becomes slippery and aids bowel to discharge without pressure. You can consume this either with water, curd, fruit juice or sprinkle liberal amounts in any dish as it is tasteless.
No system of medicine is foolproof. Doctors do not admit the fallacies. For example, Homoeopathy has no medicine for high blood pressure but works wonders for skin diseases. Colitis, skin ulcers, burns & wounds are treated in no time. It has no side-effects as well. Ready made mixtures are available over the counter for hundreds of diseases that you can try.
As always, there are no shortcuts to success. Trial and error should be your mantra. Find out what suits your body, your taste and let your mind guide you. After all if you catch the dreaded disease, your mind suffers the most.
I can suggest three mantras: One, prevention is better than cure. Two, either you change your lifestyle, or make some necessary additions to counter the cancer threat. Three, try alternative medicines or therapies.
If you belong to the western world, (as per Wikipedia) chances are that you are more susceptible of catching this type of cancer. But you cannot move to the other part of the world for only this reason. Moreover, how would you know for sure that you could be a victim? Only for this reason I mentioned that either you change your lifestyle or...
Definitely not. We are all part of a society and have our stated norms of behavior, work culture, food (solids & liquids) consumption pattern, ways of recreation are all set. To some extent we can change our habits like avoiding late nights, getting full sleep, exercising etc. But today's expenses need extra work both physically and mentally. Somewhere we have to compromise which we cannot compensate with something beneficial.
A fully nourishing lunch induces sleep so some people either don't have proper lunch, or combine it with coffee and both are harmful. Work pressure forces to go either for smoking, extra cups of coffee, or for over the counter pills as they are easily accessible. Even these have harmful after-effects.
Remember Edison, who invented the Electric Bulb? He slept for just four hours and always got up refreshed. Develop a habit of sleeping less. Easier said than done, may be your answer. To counter I present two incidents.
1. I was working on a project and could not sleep for 3 days. The fourth evening, somehow I had to accompany my boss to an overnight musical concert. When we departed, I was totally refreshed and went back to office.
2. Many of my hostel friends developed the habit of sleeping at three in the morning to get up by seven. The same pattern holds good twenty years after passing out.
It is all in the mind. You can train it the way you want. Think about the soldiers at war zone or the police personnel who hardly get time to sleep. When these people can manage why can't you? Try meditation, even a 30-minute trance is enough to compensate for a full night's sleep.
The most common cause for rectal/colon/anus cancer is constipation. Piles is the first reaction. Eat veggies or fruits that have roughage e.g. Carrot, Radish, Lettuce. Those veggies that do not dissolve in full. Eat fruits whole, as the skin acts as roughage. If not allergic to Banana, it acts as a good bowel cleaner.
Drink plenty of plain water (not disguised as beer or canned juices). Avoid the lift when possible.
Get the wonder product "Isabgol" which is neither a fruit nor vegetable nor a medicine. It is the husk of the Psyllium plant seed. This husk absorbs water, becomes slippery and aids bowel to discharge without pressure. You can consume this either with water, curd, fruit juice or sprinkle liberal amounts in any dish as it is tasteless.
No system of medicine is foolproof. Doctors do not admit the fallacies. For example, Homoeopathy has no medicine for high blood pressure but works wonders for skin diseases. Colitis, skin ulcers, burns & wounds are treated in no time. It has no side-effects as well. Ready made mixtures are available over the counter for hundreds of diseases that you can try.
As always, there are no shortcuts to success. Trial and error should be your mantra. Find out what suits your body, your taste and let your mind guide you. After all if you catch the dreaded disease, your mind suffers the most.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Person Learns He Has Metastatic Colon Cancer Despite Doctor Knowing
Person Learns He Has Metastatic Colon Cancer Despite Doctor Knowing His Symptoms For Years
There are times when colon cancers bleed. Under some circumstances, the blood may show up in the stool. When the cancer is close to the rectum, the blood could even show up as bright red. Even when the blood cannot be seen, it might nonetheless be possible to determine that the patient is bleeding in other ways. For instance, the loss of blood may show up as anemia. Blood tests might uncover internal blood loss that might be caused by cancer in the colon. The main blood test results to check are the hemoglobin, hematocrit, and Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) levels. Low levels might signify blood loss and iron deficiency anemia. When someone is found to have levels that are below normal levels for these tests physicians typically agree that there should be follow up to discover the explanation for the blood loss, including the possibility of cancer of the colon.
Consider the matter of a 64 year old man whose blood tests exhibited all of the above. The subsequent year, the individual's blood work found a deterioration of the man's condition. Also, a guaiac test found that there was blood in the patient's stool. Without any more testing, the indivual's physician inserted a diagnosis of hemorrhoids into the individual's record. Also, the man's PSA level (a test that is used to screen males for prostate cancer) was a 10.3 (anything above a 4.0 is normally viewed as high and troubling for prostate cancer). The doctor did not put any report in the person's record to indicate an having examined the prostate. The physician failed to tell him about the high PSA levels and did not refer him to a specialist.
Around two years later the person was seen by another doctor. Given the person's age this doctor ordered a barium enema. The result: a diagnosis of advanced colon cancer. The patient passed away from metastatic colon cancer within three years after his diagnosis. The person's family pursued a lawsuit against the doctor who overlooked the patient's abnormally low blood test results and overlooked the presence of blood in the man's stool. The law firm that handled the matter reported a settlement in the amount of $1,250,000
Blood tests are done for a reason. Abnormal test results are indicators that something might be wrong, maybe even seriously wrong with the person and call for follow up. Sometimes follow up means repeating the blood test in just a short amount of time to determine if the levels improve but when the levels deviate enough from normal levels or keep getting worse, physicians ordinarily agree that this increases the need to order appropriate other tests to determine the explanation for those levels. Doctors further normally acknowledge that blood in the stool of an adult individual requires immediate attention to rule out cancer of the colon as the reason. A colonoscopy is usually ordered to look at all the colon and either find or exclude the existence of any tumors. This doctor did not do any of this.
Despite the fact that in general lawsuits that settle do so without any admission of liability by defendants it is not surprising that the law firm that worked on this matter was able to report such a significant settlement.
You can learn more about cases involving colon cancer metastasis and other cancer matters including breast cancer metastasis by visiting the websites
There are times when colon cancers bleed. Under some circumstances, the blood may show up in the stool. When the cancer is close to the rectum, the blood could even show up as bright red. Even when the blood cannot be seen, it might nonetheless be possible to determine that the patient is bleeding in other ways. For instance, the loss of blood may show up as anemia. Blood tests might uncover internal blood loss that might be caused by cancer in the colon. The main blood test results to check are the hemoglobin, hematocrit, and Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) levels. Low levels might signify blood loss and iron deficiency anemia. When someone is found to have levels that are below normal levels for these tests physicians typically agree that there should be follow up to discover the explanation for the blood loss, including the possibility of cancer of the colon.
Consider the matter of a 64 year old man whose blood tests exhibited all of the above. The subsequent year, the individual's blood work found a deterioration of the man's condition. Also, a guaiac test found that there was blood in the patient's stool. Without any more testing, the indivual's physician inserted a diagnosis of hemorrhoids into the individual's record. Also, the man's PSA level (a test that is used to screen males for prostate cancer) was a 10.3 (anything above a 4.0 is normally viewed as high and troubling for prostate cancer). The doctor did not put any report in the person's record to indicate an having examined the prostate. The physician failed to tell him about the high PSA levels and did not refer him to a specialist.
Around two years later the person was seen by another doctor. Given the person's age this doctor ordered a barium enema. The result: a diagnosis of advanced colon cancer. The patient passed away from metastatic colon cancer within three years after his diagnosis. The person's family pursued a lawsuit against the doctor who overlooked the patient's abnormally low blood test results and overlooked the presence of blood in the man's stool. The law firm that handled the matter reported a settlement in the amount of $1,250,000
Blood tests are done for a reason. Abnormal test results are indicators that something might be wrong, maybe even seriously wrong with the person and call for follow up. Sometimes follow up means repeating the blood test in just a short amount of time to determine if the levels improve but when the levels deviate enough from normal levels or keep getting worse, physicians ordinarily agree that this increases the need to order appropriate other tests to determine the explanation for those levels. Doctors further normally acknowledge that blood in the stool of an adult individual requires immediate attention to rule out cancer of the colon as the reason. A colonoscopy is usually ordered to look at all the colon and either find or exclude the existence of any tumors. This doctor did not do any of this.
Despite the fact that in general lawsuits that settle do so without any admission of liability by defendants it is not surprising that the law firm that worked on this matter was able to report such a significant settlement.
You can learn more about cases involving colon cancer metastasis and other cancer matters including breast cancer metastasis by visiting the websites
Thursday, October 11, 2012
How to Prevent Colon Cancer Its Cause Is the Key
How to Prevent Colon Cancer Its Cause Is the Key to Its Prevention
Are you worried concerning colorectal cancer? Late phase colorectal cancer is a particularly lethal disease that takes the lives of over 50,000 annually in the United States alone. What may be performed to protect your self from this illness? Here we focus on the protective measures you possibly can take to achieve optimum colon health.
Colon Cancer is the malignancy in the large intestine, the organ that temporarily houses wastes like feces before they are completely eliminated from the body through defecation. It is one of the most common diseases responsible for taking several lives of individuals around 50 years of age. However, colon cancer being a terminal illness doesn't take away the fact that its development can be prevented through some healthy practices.
Everyone can be susceptible to colon cancer. On the other hand, there are people who seemed to be born with some or all of the risks factors of this malignancy while others acquire or inflict themselves with the said factors. Aside from age, the individual's choice of food, lifestyle and pre-existing polyps in the intestine also predispose a person to the aforementioned disease. In particular, high cholesterol and low fiber diet increases an individual's chance to develop colon cancer. Carcinogens from smoking are also one of the contributory factors that lead to colon malignancy. However, intestinal polyps are most likely to progress into malignant overgrowth and are the major cause of colon cancer, especially when accompanied with the other factors.
Knowing that people who are 50 years old and above are high risk for colon cancer, it is recommended by doctors that these age group undergoes early detection diagnostic exam like colonoscopy. This will aid in determining presence of polyps that is the major precursor of most colon cancer cases. Hence, once polyps are found present, an appropriate surgical intervention such as polyp removal can be immediately done to prevent further progress of the polyps into malignant tissues.
With regards to diet, high fiber and low cholesterol intake are highly suggested by experts to prevent colon cancer. Cholesterol intake is usually associated with production of free-radicals which are identified as carcinogenic while fiber promotes fast and regular elimination of wastes from the body.
The normal metabolism of the body is responsible for the production of free-radicals. However, the destruction caused by free-radicals are controlled and even prevented by the natural antioxidants like glutathione. Therefore, other aspects that may cause imbalance between free-radicals and antioxidants' level such as high blood cholesterol must be totally avoided. Cholesterol molecules are susceptible to be transformed into free-radicals because free- radicals may bind and steal ions from them. Hence, it is logical to say that high blood cholesterol level is directly proportional to the amount of free-radicals in the body. This means that an increase in cholesterol level increases the free radicals level as well and vice versa.
Another risk factor for contracting colon cancer is smoking. In fact, 50 out of 4000 chemicals from cigarette or tobacco smoke have been determined carcinogenic. Smoking is comparable to directly instilling free-radicals into the body, which intensifies cellular destruction in the respiratory tract and also in other body organs such as the colon. In these regard, every individual who wants to trim colon cancer risk factors has a choice to give up smoking now and never start smoking at all.
In general, prevention of colon cancer is dependent on the determination of its possible origin such as the risk factors mentioned above. When this origin is identified, appropriate interventions can be set up to maintain a healthy colon. The elimination of these factors or decrease of exposure of individuals to them reduces the risk of developing the disease and increases the chance of preventing colon cancer.
The info offered in this item isn't a replacement to professional treatment and should not be used for testing or providing treatment for a medical problem or illness. It is best to check with your health provider should you have or presume you may have a health problem.
Are you worried concerning colorectal cancer? Late phase colorectal cancer is a particularly lethal disease that takes the lives of over 50,000 annually in the United States alone. What may be performed to protect your self from this illness? Here we focus on the protective measures you possibly can take to achieve optimum colon health.
Colon Cancer is the malignancy in the large intestine, the organ that temporarily houses wastes like feces before they are completely eliminated from the body through defecation. It is one of the most common diseases responsible for taking several lives of individuals around 50 years of age. However, colon cancer being a terminal illness doesn't take away the fact that its development can be prevented through some healthy practices.
Everyone can be susceptible to colon cancer. On the other hand, there are people who seemed to be born with some or all of the risks factors of this malignancy while others acquire or inflict themselves with the said factors. Aside from age, the individual's choice of food, lifestyle and pre-existing polyps in the intestine also predispose a person to the aforementioned disease. In particular, high cholesterol and low fiber diet increases an individual's chance to develop colon cancer. Carcinogens from smoking are also one of the contributory factors that lead to colon malignancy. However, intestinal polyps are most likely to progress into malignant overgrowth and are the major cause of colon cancer, especially when accompanied with the other factors.
Knowing that people who are 50 years old and above are high risk for colon cancer, it is recommended by doctors that these age group undergoes early detection diagnostic exam like colonoscopy. This will aid in determining presence of polyps that is the major precursor of most colon cancer cases. Hence, once polyps are found present, an appropriate surgical intervention such as polyp removal can be immediately done to prevent further progress of the polyps into malignant tissues.
With regards to diet, high fiber and low cholesterol intake are highly suggested by experts to prevent colon cancer. Cholesterol intake is usually associated with production of free-radicals which are identified as carcinogenic while fiber promotes fast and regular elimination of wastes from the body.
The normal metabolism of the body is responsible for the production of free-radicals. However, the destruction caused by free-radicals are controlled and even prevented by the natural antioxidants like glutathione. Therefore, other aspects that may cause imbalance between free-radicals and antioxidants' level such as high blood cholesterol must be totally avoided. Cholesterol molecules are susceptible to be transformed into free-radicals because free- radicals may bind and steal ions from them. Hence, it is logical to say that high blood cholesterol level is directly proportional to the amount of free-radicals in the body. This means that an increase in cholesterol level increases the free radicals level as well and vice versa.
Another risk factor for contracting colon cancer is smoking. In fact, 50 out of 4000 chemicals from cigarette or tobacco smoke have been determined carcinogenic. Smoking is comparable to directly instilling free-radicals into the body, which intensifies cellular destruction in the respiratory tract and also in other body organs such as the colon. In these regard, every individual who wants to trim colon cancer risk factors has a choice to give up smoking now and never start smoking at all.
In general, prevention of colon cancer is dependent on the determination of its possible origin such as the risk factors mentioned above. When this origin is identified, appropriate interventions can be set up to maintain a healthy colon. The elimination of these factors or decrease of exposure of individuals to them reduces the risk of developing the disease and increases the chance of preventing colon cancer.
The info offered in this item isn't a replacement to professional treatment and should not be used for testing or providing treatment for a medical problem or illness. It is best to check with your health provider should you have or presume you may have a health problem.
How to Prevent Colon Cancer Its Cause Is the Key
How to Prevent Colon Cancer Its Cause Is the Key to Its Prevention
Are you worried concerning colorectal cancer? Late phase colorectal cancer is a particularly lethal disease that takes the lives of over 50,000 annually in the United States alone. What may be performed to protect your self from this illness? Here we focus on the protective measures you possibly can take to achieve optimum colon health.
Colon Cancer is the malignancy in the large intestine, the organ that temporarily houses wastes like feces before they are completely eliminated from the body through defecation. It is one of the most common diseases responsible for taking several lives of individuals around 50 years of age. However, colon cancer being a terminal illness doesn't take away the fact that its development can be prevented through some healthy practices.
Everyone can be susceptible to colon cancer. On the other hand, there are people who seemed to be born with some or all of the risks factors of this malignancy while others acquire or inflict themselves with the said factors. Aside from age, the individual's choice of food, lifestyle and pre-existing polyps in the intestine also predispose a person to the aforementioned disease. In particular, high cholesterol and low fiber diet increases an individual's chance to develop colon cancer. Carcinogens from smoking are also one of the contributory factors that lead to colon malignancy. However, intestinal polyps are most likely to progress into malignant overgrowth and are the major cause of colon cancer, especially when accompanied with the other factors.
Knowing that people who are 50 years old and above are high risk for colon cancer, it is recommended by doctors that these age group undergoes early detection diagnostic exam like colonoscopy. This will aid in determining presence of polyps that is the major precursor of most colon cancer cases. Hence, once polyps are found present, an appropriate surgical intervention such as polyp removal can be immediately done to prevent further progress of the polyps into malignant tissues.
With regards to diet, high fiber and low cholesterol intake are highly suggested by experts to prevent colon cancer. Cholesterol intake is usually associated with production of free-radicals which are identified as carcinogenic while fiber promotes fast and regular elimination of wastes from the body.
The normal metabolism of the body is responsible for the production of free-radicals. However, the destruction caused by free-radicals are controlled and even prevented by the natural antioxidants like glutathione. Therefore, other aspects that may cause imbalance between free-radicals and antioxidants' level such as high blood cholesterol must be totally avoided. Cholesterol molecules are susceptible to be transformed into free-radicals because free- radicals may bind and steal ions from them. Hence, it is logical to say that high blood cholesterol level is directly proportional to the amount of free-radicals in the body. This means that an increase in cholesterol level increases the free radicals level as well and vice versa.
Another risk factor for contracting colon cancer is smoking. In fact, 50 out of 4000 chemicals from cigarette or tobacco smoke have been determined carcinogenic. Smoking is comparable to directly instilling free-radicals into the body, which intensifies cellular destruction in the respiratory tract and also in other body organs such as the colon. In these regard, every individual who wants to trim colon cancer risk factors has a choice to give up smoking now and never start smoking at all.
In general, prevention of colon cancer is dependent on the determination of its possible origin such as the risk factors mentioned above. When this origin is identified, appropriate interventions can be set up to maintain a healthy colon. The elimination of these factors or decrease of exposure of individuals to them reduces the risk of developing the disease and increases the chance of preventing colon cancer.
The info offered in this item isn't a replacement to professional treatment and should not be used for testing or providing treatment for a medical problem or illness. It is best to check with your health provider should you have or presume you may have a health problem.
Are you worried concerning colorectal cancer? Late phase colorectal cancer is a particularly lethal disease that takes the lives of over 50,000 annually in the United States alone. What may be performed to protect your self from this illness? Here we focus on the protective measures you possibly can take to achieve optimum colon health.
Colon Cancer is the malignancy in the large intestine, the organ that temporarily houses wastes like feces before they are completely eliminated from the body through defecation. It is one of the most common diseases responsible for taking several lives of individuals around 50 years of age. However, colon cancer being a terminal illness doesn't take away the fact that its development can be prevented through some healthy practices.
Everyone can be susceptible to colon cancer. On the other hand, there are people who seemed to be born with some or all of the risks factors of this malignancy while others acquire or inflict themselves with the said factors. Aside from age, the individual's choice of food, lifestyle and pre-existing polyps in the intestine also predispose a person to the aforementioned disease. In particular, high cholesterol and low fiber diet increases an individual's chance to develop colon cancer. Carcinogens from smoking are also one of the contributory factors that lead to colon malignancy. However, intestinal polyps are most likely to progress into malignant overgrowth and are the major cause of colon cancer, especially when accompanied with the other factors.
Knowing that people who are 50 years old and above are high risk for colon cancer, it is recommended by doctors that these age group undergoes early detection diagnostic exam like colonoscopy. This will aid in determining presence of polyps that is the major precursor of most colon cancer cases. Hence, once polyps are found present, an appropriate surgical intervention such as polyp removal can be immediately done to prevent further progress of the polyps into malignant tissues.
With regards to diet, high fiber and low cholesterol intake are highly suggested by experts to prevent colon cancer. Cholesterol intake is usually associated with production of free-radicals which are identified as carcinogenic while fiber promotes fast and regular elimination of wastes from the body.
The normal metabolism of the body is responsible for the production of free-radicals. However, the destruction caused by free-radicals are controlled and even prevented by the natural antioxidants like glutathione. Therefore, other aspects that may cause imbalance between free-radicals and antioxidants' level such as high blood cholesterol must be totally avoided. Cholesterol molecules are susceptible to be transformed into free-radicals because free- radicals may bind and steal ions from them. Hence, it is logical to say that high blood cholesterol level is directly proportional to the amount of free-radicals in the body. This means that an increase in cholesterol level increases the free radicals level as well and vice versa.
Another risk factor for contracting colon cancer is smoking. In fact, 50 out of 4000 chemicals from cigarette or tobacco smoke have been determined carcinogenic. Smoking is comparable to directly instilling free-radicals into the body, which intensifies cellular destruction in the respiratory tract and also in other body organs such as the colon. In these regard, every individual who wants to trim colon cancer risk factors has a choice to give up smoking now and never start smoking at all.
In general, prevention of colon cancer is dependent on the determination of its possible origin such as the risk factors mentioned above. When this origin is identified, appropriate interventions can be set up to maintain a healthy colon. The elimination of these factors or decrease of exposure of individuals to them reduces the risk of developing the disease and increases the chance of preventing colon cancer.
The info offered in this item isn't a replacement to professional treatment and should not be used for testing or providing treatment for a medical problem or illness. It is best to check with your health provider should you have or presume you may have a health problem.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
How to Fully Recover From Colon Cancer and Enjoy Life
How to Fully Recover From Colon Cancer and Enjoy Life Again
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the western world today ranking behind heart disease. Many people are unaware of the many dangers this health threat poses as it can strike any ethnic group of different social economic backgrounds at any age. Certain individuals who are accustomed to enjoying a healthy lifestyle can be stricken with this disease all of the sudden without warning. To determine what treatment protocols to take, one must first understand what colon cancer is and the dangers that it poses.
Colon cancer begins its origin as polyps forming inside the large intestine. These cells regenerate and multiply at different rates causing abnormal cell growth and function. These marble shape growths are usually benign and pose no harm. However, some polyps can grow cancerous and pose a serious health challenge to the individual. Once these polyps become tumors, they can transform in many stages wrecking serious damage to the body.
Colon cancer affects the body in many ways based on the stage development of the disease and its progress. One symptom of the cancer is rectal bleeding which is indicated by bloody stools. There may also be bouts of diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. If the tumor grows large enough, it could cause intestinal blockage leading to bowel obstruction requiring emergency surgery.
Other signs of cancer include fatigue, fever and blood poisoning due to the colons toxin waste build up. If colon cancer is diagnosed in the early stages it can treated without harm to the patient. However, if it has advanced beyond the early stages, then aggressive measures are generally implemented to arrest the disease and keep it from spreading further.
The removal of all polyps in the colon during a colonoscopy represents the earliest phase of cancer prevention in modern medicine today. Other forms of detection include barium enemas along with X-rays and fecal occult blood test. However, once the polyps develop beyond the tumor stage, surgery or anticancer drugs are regularly used to shrink and eliminate tumors all at once. If these procedures are unsuccessful, then radiation treatment and chemotherapy are than administered to keep the cancer from spreading to other organs causing further complications.
The use of these conventional treatments pose major health risk, not just to the colon, but also to other organs that depend on the colon for digestion and elimination of toxic waste. The anticancer drugs along with radiation and chemotherapy pose a dangerous threat to the safety of the patient in question. One of the many threats include the development of infections caused by a weakened immune system.
The infections are caused by the bodies inability to absorb nutrients from food sources due to constant vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite as well as the destruction of red and white blood cells caused by the radiation and chemotherapy treatments of the colon cancer. These patients will experience severe weight loss as a result complicating health issues. Other treatment options are available in the fight against disease known as alternative therapies sometimes referred as natural therapies.
There are many natural therapies that are available for the treatment of colon cancer such as oxygen treatment, ozone therapy, and alkaline water. The oxygen and ozone treatment options have no negative side effects unlike radiation, chemotherapy and pharmaceutical drugs which have been known to cause serious injury or death. The oxygen and ozone therapies work by putting high concentrations of oxygen atoms into the bloodstream that are transported throughout the body to all tissues and organs at the cellular level.
This high oxygen level kills all viruses, parasites, harmful bacteria, fungi, tumors and pathogens in existence. Alkaline water performs the same function as it is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream raising the bodies PH level creating an oxygen rich environment. The alkaline water, oxygen and ozone therapies are by far the safest and most effective treatment options in the battle against this disease.
By understanding how colon cancer can develop and progress, one can effectively and safely remove the illness without harm or serious risk.
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the western world today ranking behind heart disease. Many people are unaware of the many dangers this health threat poses as it can strike any ethnic group of different social economic backgrounds at any age. Certain individuals who are accustomed to enjoying a healthy lifestyle can be stricken with this disease all of the sudden without warning. To determine what treatment protocols to take, one must first understand what colon cancer is and the dangers that it poses.
Colon cancer begins its origin as polyps forming inside the large intestine. These cells regenerate and multiply at different rates causing abnormal cell growth and function. These marble shape growths are usually benign and pose no harm. However, some polyps can grow cancerous and pose a serious health challenge to the individual. Once these polyps become tumors, they can transform in many stages wrecking serious damage to the body.
Colon cancer affects the body in many ways based on the stage development of the disease and its progress. One symptom of the cancer is rectal bleeding which is indicated by bloody stools. There may also be bouts of diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. If the tumor grows large enough, it could cause intestinal blockage leading to bowel obstruction requiring emergency surgery.
Other signs of cancer include fatigue, fever and blood poisoning due to the colons toxin waste build up. If colon cancer is diagnosed in the early stages it can treated without harm to the patient. However, if it has advanced beyond the early stages, then aggressive measures are generally implemented to arrest the disease and keep it from spreading further.
The removal of all polyps in the colon during a colonoscopy represents the earliest phase of cancer prevention in modern medicine today. Other forms of detection include barium enemas along with X-rays and fecal occult blood test. However, once the polyps develop beyond the tumor stage, surgery or anticancer drugs are regularly used to shrink and eliminate tumors all at once. If these procedures are unsuccessful, then radiation treatment and chemotherapy are than administered to keep the cancer from spreading to other organs causing further complications.
The use of these conventional treatments pose major health risk, not just to the colon, but also to other organs that depend on the colon for digestion and elimination of toxic waste. The anticancer drugs along with radiation and chemotherapy pose a dangerous threat to the safety of the patient in question. One of the many threats include the development of infections caused by a weakened immune system.
The infections are caused by the bodies inability to absorb nutrients from food sources due to constant vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite as well as the destruction of red and white blood cells caused by the radiation and chemotherapy treatments of the colon cancer. These patients will experience severe weight loss as a result complicating health issues. Other treatment options are available in the fight against disease known as alternative therapies sometimes referred as natural therapies.
There are many natural therapies that are available for the treatment of colon cancer such as oxygen treatment, ozone therapy, and alkaline water. The oxygen and ozone treatment options have no negative side effects unlike radiation, chemotherapy and pharmaceutical drugs which have been known to cause serious injury or death. The oxygen and ozone therapies work by putting high concentrations of oxygen atoms into the bloodstream that are transported throughout the body to all tissues and organs at the cellular level.
This high oxygen level kills all viruses, parasites, harmful bacteria, fungi, tumors and pathogens in existence. Alkaline water performs the same function as it is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream raising the bodies PH level creating an oxygen rich environment. The alkaline water, oxygen and ozone therapies are by far the safest and most effective treatment options in the battle against this disease.
By understanding how colon cancer can develop and progress, one can effectively and safely remove the illness without harm or serious risk.
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