Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Immunology Strengthens Fight Against Stage 4 Colon Cancer

Stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation and the statistics are so grim - renowned care providers do not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.

New immunotherapy treatments, however, are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.

Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer

Multitudes of published findings have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's dedicated medical team assessed the most reliable of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their precise research established a protocol that incorporates only the top notch procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most current published research in the arena, from a bevy of the most prestigious hospitals and universities on a national scale and worldwide. Predictably, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems.

Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy

Envita Natural Medical Center located in Mexico is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as Immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is registered as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the huge majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are noted below:

=> Natural killer cells => Natural killer T cells => Cytokine-induced killer cells => Cytotoxic T lymphocytes

The vaccine(s) is created by increasing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into mega amounts. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and cited for their ability to obliterate colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells under laboratory conditions, then re-infused into the patient.

AAIT Immunology Available for Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico

Envita Natural Medical Center is currently implementing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's proprietary Stage 4 colon cancer vaccine is known as AAIT - one that increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a course of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to incapacitate stage 4 colon cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infuse into the patient. Lauded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are earnestly devoted to battling colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.

At Envita, immunotherapy is not an afterthought - rather it is given prime focus and consideration. We believe a strong immune system to be wholly critical for rapid healing and long-term success. That is why Envita continues to lead the pack, offering our patients the best immunotherapy treatment options in the world.">Immunotherapy is without question a renowned new medical strategy that utilizes the human immune system to conquer disease. In summation, over a string of 30 years, extensive research conducted by both clusters of physicians and scientists has proven that this approach is clinically successful for numerous diseases. Advances in adoptive immunotherapy, which concentrates on the expansion and infusion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells in patients, have rocketed this scientific arena to its peak in terms of being an effective treatment for viral diseases, colon cancer, and astoundingly even stage 4 cancer types.

We can expect, taking into consideration the undeniable results and continued advances, the importance of immunotherapy to grow exponentially - particularly as it applies to late stage colon and other stage 4 cancers. To date, Stage 4 colon cancer is not much more than chemo and radiation and the statistics are so grim - renowned care providers do not dare report survival data beyond the first couple of years as it is more sobering than promising.

New immunotherapy treatments, however, are bringing new hope as they deliver a key part of the treatment puzzle - along with better results and quality of life for patients.

Envita Leads the Field in Stage 4 Colon Cancer

Multitudes of published findings have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's dedicated medical team assessed the most reliable of these studies and focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each. Their precise research established a protocol that incorporates only the top notch procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most current published research in the arena, from a bevy of the most prestigious hospitals and universities on a national scale and worldwide. Predictably, our treatment has been specially designed to deal specifically with colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients' immune systems.

Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Immunotherapy

Envita Natural Medical Center located in Mexico is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as Immunotherapy Treatment for colon cancer and stage 4 cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is registered as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the huge majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are noted below:

=> Natural killer cells => Natural killer T cells => Cytokine-induced killer cells => Cytotoxic T lymphocytes

The vaccine(s) is created by increasing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into mega amounts. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and cited for their ability to obliterate colon cancer and other stage 4 cancer cells under laboratory conditions, then re-infused into the patient.

AAIT Immunology Available for Colon cancer and Stage 4 Cancer Patients at Envita Mexico

Envita Natural Medical Center is currently implementing NK, NKT, and T lymphocytes as supportive immunotherapy for our cancer patients. Envita's proprietary Stage 4 colon cancer vaccine is known as AAIT - one that increases a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions over a course of several weeks. These cells are monitored for activation markers, evaluated for their ability to incapacitate stage 4 colon cancer cells in the laboratory, and then subsequently re-infuse into the patient. Lauded by scientific research and clinical results, Enivta's AAIT immunotherapy offers a potent option for cancer patients who are earnestly devoted to battling colon and other stage 4 cancers while maintaining an intact immune system. Envita administers only superior combinations of conventional and alternative cancer treatment bolstered by advanced natural cancer treatment to help patients get healthier and improve their overall quality of life.

At Envita, immunotherapy is not an afterthought - rather it is given prime focus and consideration. We believe a strong immune system to be wholly critical for rapid healing and long-term success. That is why Envita continues to lead the pack, offering our patients the best immunotherapy treatment options in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, many thanks to the authorColon Cancer can begin as little non-cancerous cells like adenomatous polyps and may grow into the lot of fearful sickness.
    colon cancer
